Terms and Conditions of Service


This document is an agreement between PAWsome Companions, LLC. dba PAWsome Companions and “Client”. PAWsome Companions, LLC. d/b/a PAWsome Companions and/or its representatives (Employee(s)) will be hereinafter referred to as the “Pet Sitter”. 


The “Pet Sitter” and “Client” agree to the following terms and conditions:

Pet Sitter is authorized to perform care and services as outlined in this agreement. The terms of this agreement shall apply to any and all pets owned by Client, including any and all new pets that the Client obtains on or after the date this document is executed.


To Ensure that you, the Client, are covered under the liability policy of this company, ALL reservations must be made through the company. If you make the reservation with your pet sitter you must also confirm with the company via email or phone that we have your reservation secured in our scheduling system. Failure for your pet sitter to relay a reservation on to the company would result in a breach of contract between the company and the pet sitter.


Pet Sitter agrees to provide the services stated in this agreement in a reliable, caring and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, Client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against Pet Sitter, except for those arising from the negligence of Pet Sitter.


If a medical emergency arises, Pet Sitter will make every effort to contact the Client before seeking medical treatment for the pet(s). However, if time is of the essence or Pet Sitter is unable to reach Client, Client authorizes Pet Sitter to take the pet(s) to the nearest veterinary hospital for treatment. Client agrees to reimburse Pet Sitter for all services rendered to the pet(s) should such a medical emergency arise. Client releases Pet Sitter from any and all liabilities related to transportation, treatment and expenses.


Client is responsible for making sure that all of the client's pets have received all current required and recommended vaccinations required by the State of California and the County of Ventura or Los Angeles. In the event Pet Sitter or a third-party (another pet or person) is bitten or injured by Client’s pet(s), Client agrees to pay all medical expenses, costs and lost wages incurred by Pet Sitter or third-party due to such injury. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Pet Sitter, in the event of a claim by any person injured by Client’s pet.


Pet Sitter shall not be responsible for any damage to property owned by Client or third-parties unless such damage is caused by a negligent act of Pet Sitter. This includes, but in no way is limited to, water leaks or matters involving electrical systems.


If pets have full access to a backyard, it is not always guaranteed to be 100% secure. Pet Sitter does not accept responsibility or liability for any customer’s pets that escape, are injured or become lost, fatal or otherwise, when pets are left out or given access to a fenced in area. This includes electronic, wood, metal, or any other fence type.


All dogs must be on a leash at ALL times when Pet Sitter is in care of pets on walks/ trips to the park.


Pet Sitter cannot be held liable for any damages to property or pets if client allows any other person, whether it’s a neighbor, friend, family member or other person to enter the home during the time the Pet Sitter is sitting for the Client’s pet(s). Pet Sitter is only liable for any damages. If Client does allow access to someone other than the Pet Sitter during the duration of the Pet Sitter’s job, Client must notify the office and the Pet Sitter.


Pet Sitter will not be liable for any loss or damage in the event the Client's home is burglarized. Client specifically agrees that he or she will secure the home prior to leaving and will provide Pet Sitter with written instructions on how to properly secure the home.


It is the sole responsibility of the Client to make sure that their home and yard are “pet-proof”. Pet Sitter will not be responsible for any furniture damage or other damage to household items caused to the home by Client pet(s) unless damage is direct negligence of Pet Sitter. Pet Sitter will not be responsible for any household items damaged by pet(s) if the pet(s) have any access to said household items. Access to said household items and furniture means any items that have not been securely locked away by Client prior to client departure. If household items are accessible to pet(s) at any time during Pet Sitter stay and/or scheduled assignment, then Pet Sitter is not liable for any damage. Pet Sitter is not liable for pet(s) that are left outside or may escape from client’s property when Pet Sitter is not in attendance – for example, client’s who use doggie doors or pets who live and stay outside at all times. Pet Sitter shall not be liable for the injury, disappearance, death, or fines of any pet that escapes the property. This includes, but is not limited to a pet(s) who escapes from the backyard or a pet that runs out of the front or back door upon a Pet Sitter’s entry or departure. Pet(s) must be safely secured in the home upon Pet Sitter entry into home and/or have a place for the Pet Sitter to safely secure pet(s) at time of Pet Sitter departure.


In the event of inclement weather or natural disaster, Pet Sitter will use their best judgment in caring for Client’s pet(s) and home, but will not be held responsible for any damage to Client’s home or injury to Client’s pet arising from such decision.

Client affirms that by entering into this agreement, Pet Sitter is specifically authorized to accept all future telephone, online or email reservations and Client’s requested Pet Sitter may enter Client’s home without additional signed contracts or written authorizations.


If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (805) 206-0349.