Drop-In Visits

Our pet sitting services allow pets to stay in their own cozy environment while owners are away on a weekend trip or longer break. We offer tailored visits lasting from 10 to 60 minutes, with up to 4 visits each day to meet the specific needs of each pet. The frequency and duration of visits depend on the number of pets, their level of care, and any extra time you wish for us to spend with them.

Our skilled pet care team guarantees that pets get the best care and attention in the absence of their owners. Our staff visits aim to create a stress-free experience for both pets and owners. Pets will enjoy playtime, healthy meals, snuggles, and other delightful activities with our team. We emphasize keeping pets' routines intact and building relationships with each furry buddy. Our primary goal is the happiness and well-being of the pets, treating them as cherished members of our family and providing the same love and care they receive from their owners.

What's Included 

Our drop-in visits offer a range of benefits for your pets, including:

Drop-In Visit Prices

In-Home Visits Price
10 minutes: The "Teacup Chihuahua" $15.50
20-minutes: The "Mini Schnauzer" $23.50
30-minutes: The "Golden Retriever" $29.50
40-minutes: The "American Bully" $35.50
50-minutes: The "Great Dane" $41.50
60-minutes: The "Great Pyrenees" $47.50

Our drop-in visits are perfect for those moments when you need someone to check in on your pet while you're away. Whether it's for a quick potty break or some playtime, our experienced team members are here to provide the care and attention your pet deserves. Contact us today to schedule a drop-in visit for your furry friend!

Dog Visit Recommendations

Book Your Drop-In Visit Today

Give your pets the care they deserve with our personalized drop-in visits. Contact us now to schedule a visit!